Retreat in Sardinia 2025: Gallery

Being with the Masters

Retreat in Wild Sardinia: September -October 2025 :

Join Luana as we travel into Reiki in this multi-leveled retreat “Being with the Masters”  For all levels of energy workers! We start with

Being with the Reiki Masters course is designed for advanced healers.

Dates: September 24 – October 6th 2025

We will be working with advanced energy by invitation to a few master students and show who already have their master certification but want a tune up. We will visit sacred locations and work with energy in a palpable way to enhance your current understanding. Within this course you will be learning how how to attune or be re-attuned and learn more about teaching Reiki I & II  leading up to the Master attunement!

Reiki 1 Certification: by invite September 25-27th 2025 *optional add on dates for touring sacred sites

• Students will learn Reiki I in a pristine setting with exquisite guidance in  natural settings.  Details by email.

Reiki II Certification: 

October 3-5th Certification Dates; Add on Touring dates:  Sept 28-October 2:

Add on Transitional package: Curated tour sacred areas in the week before or after your attunement.

Call for prices.

All travel will be purchased on your own so that these packages include only certification and/or guides

This is the view from our hotel room balcony.

Galaxies within the tapestry of nature, a repeating Fibonacci pattern for your recognition.
The pattern of the universe
The moon from our hotel. Book now for a private balcony room.
Master Attunements on a 20K bed of crystal. Classes will be held in various natural locations.

crystal bedrock
Your location will have high frequency crystal as the bedrock to help attune you more profoundly.

Deep Caves for Deep Wisdom

My favorite thing #1….

 “I have something to share. I feel it’s among the best things I’ve done to stay healthy in my life.” ~ Luana DeAngelis Founder, You Can Thrive

Ever wonder about your body temperature and how it relates to health and the development of cancer? It is well known that cancer is heat sensitive.


There are even medical treatments that consist of heating up the body and then infusing chemotherapy, these are called Hyperthermia treatments. Conversely, low body temperature creates a happy home for colds, viruses and chronic infections. Core body temperature that is chronically low can be a sign of health degeneration.

One thing I noticed was that before my diagnosis with breast cancer in 2004, I had a consistent low body temperature of 97 degrees. I had and still do have constant problems with cold hands and feet. I sometimes feel ‘chilled’.  Once I get chilled even a hot bath doesn’t really heat me up. Additionally, I had developed traumatic arthritis from a near deadly car accident in my younger years. I was the driver and they said I was found on the street, underwater. The results were a broken pelvis ileum, tailbone, sacrum, pubic bone, nerve damage, along with various other injuries, internal and external. I was told I would never dance again, or walk without a limp. I did and I do! But I feel sore and had chronic pain for years. The cold, damp weather in New York City doesn’t help.  But, I found a real solution and it’s time to share. Let me introduce you to my “boyfriend”. He is so HOT!! He supports me and he keeps me warm and pain-free and I’m addicted to him. Introducing the BIOMAT! He helps all ills:

• Chilled? Cold hands, feet nose? relax and get relief! Having pain issues? Soreness in the bones? Arthritis? Biomat Far Infared heat absorbs 6 inches into the tissues of the body providing deep warmth and comfort.
• Feeling blue? S.A.D.? Far infared infuses light into the cells helping release endorphins during long winter months or anytime.
• Sleep issues? Fall asleep more comfortably and stay asleep longer.
• Feeling like you’re catching a cold? heat up that germ. The BioMat can raise the body’s production of NK or Natural Killer Cells and keep illness elsewhere. I almost never get sick.
• Have a diagnosis of cancer? heat up those bad bad cells! Harvard Medical School discovered that cancer cells are vulnerable to heat and will be destroyed at temperatures over 42 degrees Celsius. This rise in body temperature can weaken the activity of cancer cells

The Biomat is an FDA licensed medical device that combines state of the art Far Infrared light and Negative Ion technology with the healing power of Amethyst crystal. This healing mat delivers professional therapeutic far inferred sauna results in a home or professional setting.

Infusing negative ions, oxygenating the cells, providing enhanced enzymatic action to support detoxification and better metabolism sounds pretty good right??
This device is an FDA approved medical device.  Sometimes insurance will even reimburse for it. 

Contact You Can Thrive! and your purchase will create a commission for the organization. Get the gift that keeps giving in so many ways. Through your purchase, women suffer less and get access to this resource after cancer. For each mat that is sold through our contacts, we receive a small certificate towards the purchase of a new one for our events buy yours today and help us to offer a queen sized mat for two survivors to experience at our Multidisciplinary Healing Events! Contact us today so we all THRIVE! 917.463.4267 

Natural amethyst Amethyst geodeproduces far infrared rays. Since ancient times, amethyst has been called a “healing stone,” as it emits an inherent wavelength of 32,876 KHz. This frequency enhances vital cellular activity and the infrared rays have a powerful penetration and thermotherapeutic energy.

Regular far infrared vs far infrared from amethyst: The movement of cells generates frictional heat and raises your body temperature. The amethyst far infrared rays of the BioMat, which have a short wavelength (6.5-12um) , have a deeper penetration power and are more comfortable than ordinary far infrared rays.

The BioMat emits far infrared rays from amethyst, which encourages your body to secrete heat shock protein or HSP, which strengthens your immune system. HSP increases production of endorphins, Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells), T Cells and lymphocytes to boost immunity, reduces fatigue, relieves pain.  Amethyst can increase serotonin levels which can reduce appetite.

TourmalineBlack troumaline is a gemstone that has powerful negative ion generating capabilities. It is famous for discharging negative ions called vitamins in the air. 

Negative ions are molecules or particles that have more electrons than protons. Negative ions are generated in large quantities in clean, natural environments. Ideal places to feel the effects of negative ions are around waterfalls or pine forests. You may notice fresh air in nature. Such freshness comes from negative ions.

Negative ions play a very important role in metabolism. When you intake a nutrient into your body, a negative ion is needed to open the door to let it in – without negative ions there is impurity and a closed door to healing.

Negative ions generated by the BioMat are absorbed into your body through your skin and in the air that you breathe. They will facilitate cellular metabolism, enhance your vitality, reduce pain, and distribute nutrients and energy throughout your body. They will also cleanse your blood, have a tranquilizing effect, and help you to recover from fatigue.

WHY A WARM BODY IS IMPORTANT FOR HEALING                                    


The BioMat will warm your body and keep it warm longer. This allows for normal circulation which is beneficial to your heart and immune system helping the body to eliminate disease and toxins. When circulation is optimal, oxygen is transported more easily throughout your body.

If you have a cold body temperature your essential enzymes will not be able to perform their function for your body.

Your immune system will deteriorate if your body temperature drops. All disease is a result of reduced body temperature. Lowering of the body temperature is called cold hypersensitivity, and a symptom of this is cold hands and feet. When the temperature of your body drops, the terminal capillary vessels are contracted, which hinders overall blood circulation. Thus people with cold hypersensitivity tend to get sick easily due to a weakened immune system.

Higher body temperature: ENHANCED IMMUNITY
Lower body temperature: COMPROMISED IMMUNITY

Low body temperature is indicating you may have a weak reaction to even the most ideal medicines and therapies. As the body’s core temperature decreases all cellular energy also decreases, this is why the hands and feet get cold.

The BioMat protocol consists of two BioMat devices. First, the BioMat ProMat, which currently costs $1,700. The other device is the BioMat MiniMat, which currently costs $650. Collectively, this is a $2,410 protocol. But you don’t need both, you can just flip over!

Or you can lay on top of the ProMat and you put the MiniMat on top of you. Thus you are surrounded by the two BioMat devices.

The BioMat uses far infrared light to heat up cells. With no Electro Magnetic Fields. I have tested this myself with a device for it. Normal cells are not affected by heat, but cancer cells are weak and may be killed by this level of heat. Thus, it can “target” cancer cells because cancer cells are weak. Many tribes use the sauna and hot therapies as a method of ‘cleansing’ and they have it right with those sweat lodges!

“There have been numerous reports where cancer has been cured after a high fever. In addition, one-third of those whose cancer was naturally cured showed high fever symptoms.” ~ Dr. Yoshimizu


The new plush queen/king sized orgone biomat

Now, I’ve been waiting for this!! The biomat has introduced a Orgone device that is soft, plush and comes in queen or king sized for your bed. If you’re seeking an item to help you stay warm and healthy, this is KEY.

With love and gratitude,loveluana


Reach Advanced Energetic States!

brainwavesBrain Waves:

Research has shown our brain usually stays in four major levels of awareness and can reach a fifth. The first four are known as Beta, Alpha, Theta Delta.  Finally Gamma is a state of higher awareness. Lets explore.

1) Beta (14-40Hz) – The Waking Consciousness And Reasoning Wave

The most awake level is beta, and in this state the brain is active and very awake. This state is usually associated with intellectual thought and verbal expression. While Beta brain waves are important for effective functioning throughout the day, these are the waves that can turn into stress, anxiety, restlessness and dis-ease.

2) Alpha (7.5-14Hz) – The Deep Relaxation Wave

The alpha level is the next state down, and it is associated with a much more relaxed, calm, and creative waking state. A nice alpha level can be achieved with simple meditations. For example just slowing breathing. When breathing slows, other body functions including your brain frequencies will begin to relax and slow down. When you are completely relaxed ­but not yet asleep your brain is in a very creative and intuitive pattern.

3) Theta (4-7.5Hz) – The Channelling, Meditation and Sleeping Wave

Moving down in awareness levels we arrive at the theta frequencies, and a very interesting set of frequencies they are. Theta is where dreams, deep hypnosis, ESP, out-of-body projections, channeling, and other ‘spooky’ mind phenomena happen.  Children (up to the age of 7) are in this state far more often than adults, in this age range they programming their subconscious minds. If we wish to reprogram our habit patterns this state is essential, although most of us only get quick, half-remembered glimpses into this realm.

This is a visual representation of the alpha/theta brainwave state
This is a visual representation of the alpha/theta brainwave

It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7Hz to 8Hz, where the optimal range for visualization, positive programming and the manifesting power of your brain begins. Within this frequency range is the resonance of the earth itself 7.83hz. This is where and why Reiki and Sound Entrainment is so effective!! Researchers found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver become synchronised in the alpha state, characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation, but they pulse in unison with the earth’s magnetic field, known as the Schuman Resonance at the alpha-theta border.  During these moments, the biomagnetic field of the Reiki practitioners’ hands is at least 1000 times greater than normal, and not as a result of internal body current.

This frequency is where you subconsciously create your reality. Within this frequency modulation lies what is termed the ‘hypnagogic state’. In this state is where we work together, consciously implementing new patterns and releasing limiting programs. This vibration of 7-8hz is a half-awake, half-asleep state or the twilight-zone of reality; a subtle grey area where conscious and subconscious start to overlap. At this frequency, you are barely conscious of your surroundings and your body is in deep relaxation. By spending larger amounts of time in this resonance, you can re-program negative patterns, blockages and belief systems. Eventually, or immediately consciousness levels and frequencies and begin to resonate at your maximum potential. Whether you’d like to work on healing the body, or the mind, tapping into these waves can help you reach your potential by stimulating creativity, and your special gifts or even help you begin implementing new healthier habits from old negative programming.

4) Delta (0.5-4Hz) – The Deep Sleep Wave

The Delta frequency is the slowest of the frequencies and is experienced in deep, dreamless sleep and in very deep, transcendental meditation where awareness is fully detached.

Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level.

Among many things, deep sleep is important for the healing process – as it’s linked with deep healing and regeneration. Hence, not having enough deep sleep is detrimental to your health in more ways than one. You may fall into this wave during our session too!

5) Gamma (above 40Hz) – The Insight Wave

Gamma brain waves are a frequency pattern of normal brain activity that measures between 25 and 100 Hz, with around 40 Hz being average in humans. This is a newer area of research as Gamma waves were essentially unknown before the development of digital EEG (electroencephalography) recorders, since analog electroencephalography could not measure brain waves at that high frequency (their upper limit is about 25 Hz). Neuroscientists are beginning to discover the marvelous properties of the brain when it produces the gamma frequency.

Gamma brain waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the “feeling of blessings” reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and with peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning.

Gamma waves are shown to be created after a subject experiences a deep meditation.

We induce and re-entrain clients in the Theta or creation frequency with the goal to help them emit higher frequencies like Gamma waves in their everyday lives.

Contact us for a consultation and experience it for yourself.

Brain Wave EntrainmentAnd if you’re wondering 528hz is the frequency of LOVE! Share it.