Natural Health Metaphysician, Essential Oils, Quantum Healing Methods, Reiki, Entraining Brainwaves States, Advance Well-being, Retreats, Multidisciplinary Methods for your health. New York City & Beyond
Born into a health/healing lineage, Luana incorporates a diverse experience to help others overcome any challenge. Guided by intuition her life’s work envelopes multiple methods for health and solves a missing piece of our health care paradigm. Empowering individuals and the community to manifest their best lives and highest health.
Luana provides a range of health services that can dramatically improve a wide range of health concerns.
Luana works in therapeutic sound with the most advanced practitioners in the field to affect change in those who receive.
Luana is an artist. She is a singer and musical composer. She is also a visual artist.
Read what my clients say.
Are you ready to start you journey to advance your well-being?
Get in contact with Luana today.