Healing Metaphysician, Essential Oils, Quantum Health Methods, Reiki, Entraining Brainwaves States, Advance Well-being, Retreats, Multidisciplinary Methods for your health. New York City & Beyond
Born into a health/healing lineage, Luana incorporates a diverse experience to help others overcome any challenge. Guided by intuition her life’s work envelopes multiple methods for health and solves a missing piece of our health care paradigm. Empowering individuals and the community to manifest their best lives and highest health.
Luana provides a range of health services that can improve a wide range of health concerns. She as a specialty in wellness after cancer.
Sound has proven effects on the brain. Creating coherent brainwave states for prolonged periods heals. Find your bliss! Plan a group event or single session.
Creative expressions through writing. Look here for essays, thoughts, prose, poetry and other ramblings.
Luana is an artist. She is a singer and musical composer. She is also a visual artist.
Read what my clients say.
Are you ready to start you journey to advance your well-being?
Get in contact with Luana today.