Natural Health Metaphysician, Essential Oils, Quantum Healing Methods, Reiki, Entraining Brainwaves States, Advance Well-being, Retreats, Multidisciplinary Methods for your health. New York City & Beyond
Featured in “O” Oprah Winfrey Magazine. Luana DeAngelis has a penchant for helping our world heal since childhood.
Luana’s passion for giving & healing began as a child. Nursing any wounded animal, and eventually learned animal rehabilitation with raccoons, squirrels, bunnies, and other animals. Her passion for animals is lifelong, and co-creates with her lineage in integrative medicine. Aside from her health and design acumen, Luana worked as a Artist-In-Residence for Town Hall Theaters Educational Outreach non-profit. From 2001-2006 she helped young people to find their inner artist and helped outstanding students get hired in the world of arts and theater. In that capacity she created projects from large scale stage sets, to digital media and websites to help market.
In 2005, she started a non-profit organization You Can Thrive! This idea combining her expertise and social justice acumen into a new model for the future of health care. Incorporating holistic and natural methods, attuning imaginative sound and energy methods into a new paradigm which effects the health of the individual and the health of our system. Your time crakes meaning in life. Each individual can make a difference.