Natural Health Metaphysician, Essential Oils, Quantum Healing Methods, Reiki, Entraining Brainwaves States, Advance Well-being, Retreats, Multidisciplinary Methods for your health. New York City & Beyond
Luana DeAngelis is a Reiki master teacher, therapeutic sound practitioner, integrative therapist and social innovator with a multi-generational lineage in natural health. She emerges as a leader in the field of integrative health, disease prevention and palliative cancer care in New York City. In 2005 she founded a cancer health non-profit, You Can Thrive!, using her knowledge in holistic and integrative medicine to transform the way our system approaches disease care and aftercare. Since 2005, her team has provided both the model, and the strong leadership needed to mobilize our system from treatment of disease to prevention of it. Utilizing Reiki and many other modalities and providing free care to cancer survivors and an outlet for other practitioners to give time in service to those in need. Luana believes women are the caretakers of society and the key to our consciousness evolution and healthier populations.A
Approach & Methods
Luana takes a multidisciplinary approach to health by employing the use of various modalities that compliment each other. The modalities of Reiki, Sound, Theta and Oils merged into an innovative modality dubbed “Sonergy”. Sonergy is a simple way of explaining the intuitive combining of sound and energy methodology. Utilizing frequency modulation in the body through Reiki, sound, and other vibratory methods, provides a unique connection to healing states. Entraining brainwaves and combining the most effective methods result in clients who are more ready to reprogram to positive habits.
Integrative Therapies
Reiki Theta Entrainment / Blockage Removal Therapeutic Aromatherapy Oil Sound / Vibrational Frequency Modulation (Gong, Tuning Forks & Singing Bowls, Vocalization) BioMat Far Infared Sauna Nutritional/Life Coaching Applied Kinesiology/muscle testing Visualization Movement: Yoga, Qi Gong Breathwork Tapping / EFT Surgical presence with Reiki End of Life Care
Her passionate paradigm and vision for selfless love empowers both those diagnosed with disease and individuals in the community to manifest their best lives and highest health through caring hands and giving back to alleviate the suffering in their own backyards.
In her private practice she provides a similar approach to people who have a myriad of issues in addition to cancer. She also provides hands-on Reiki in the operating room at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Together with the most advanced doctors in the world Luana is furthering a hybrid utopian vision for preventative health care for the masses.
A true Renaissance woman, Luana is also a musician/composer, and inventor. As an inventor she holds patents on a social media platform which will promote safer and more intimate interactions in the world, while uniting people through those we love the most. As a musician she works in therapeutic sound with the most advanced practitioners in the field to affect change in those who receive. Her viewpoint is that energy is the future of medicine.